Sunday, January 26, 2020

Participant Observation Social Desirability And Operational Definition Psychology Essay

Participant Observation Social Desirability And Operational Definition Psychology Essay 1- Short notes on Participant Observation, Social desirability and operational Definition a- Participant Observation Participant Observation is a humanistic as well as a scientific method that produces a kind of experiential knowledge that allow a researcher talk convincingly. This method of fieldwork produces effective and positive knowledge and it involves getting very close to people and making them feel comfortable with researchers presence so that he can observe and record information about their lives (Bernard, p. 2006, p. 342). Participant observer is basically carrying out a naturalistic approach to conducting research and it seems to be a commitment that attempts to adopt the perspectives of studies shared in the day to day experiences. Participant observation has been described as an ongoing and intensive observing, listening and speaking with some explanations (Ely, 1991, p. 42). Many researchers use participant observation as an umbrella term for all qualitative data gathering and data handling. Participant observation includes going out or staying out in search for qualitative data gathering, and thus the observer may learn a new language in order to express the experiences about the lives of people that the researcher comes to know. With this type of research approach, the researcher is prompted to be immersing himself in a specific culture and also learning how he can get rid of the same immersion so that he will be able to intellectualize what he has seen and heard. He will express them in writing, speaking to others and will try to convince others (Bernard, p. 2006, p. 344). Participant observation is therefore more likely to be a fieldwork, but all fieldworks are in contrary not participant observation. Social Desirability Social desirability is a major source of response bias in conducting a survey research. Some times, participants in a survey research show social desirability bias as their answers reflect an attempt to enhance social desirable characteristics or attempt to minimize certain social undesirable characteristics. Social desirability has been defined as a tendency to give culturally sanctioned and socially approved answers for a survey research to provide socially desirable responses to describe oneself in terms judged as desirable and to present one-self favorably (Craighead and Nemeroff, 2002, p. 1557). Social desirability affects the accuracy of data to be gathered. It is mainly influenced by the way questions are prepared or asked. Many of survey research questions are more likely to create chances of social desirability so that respondents answer questions in a pre-made answer formats. Engel and Schutt (2005, p. 234) stressed that social desirability effects are more likely to occur when discussing issues that are of controversial in nature or when researcher expresses a view that is not popular or not widely accepted. When survey researcher or interviewer asks the participants with certain ready-made questions, especially when the questions have highly desirable answers, respondents feel conflicts between a desire to conform to the definition of good respondent behaviour and a desire to respond and appear to the interviewer to be in a socially desirable category. In surveys with pre-made multiple choice questions, social desirability is more likely to occur among the respondents. Operational Definition An operational definition, in the context of data collection and research, is an obvious, brief, complete and careful description of a measure. Social scientist uses operational definition as a measure to explain various conceptual terms (Sprague, Stuart and Bodary, 2008, p. 205). As different types of data were gathered, operational definition is very fundamental. The operational definition is a significant one in a situation at which the decision is to be taken about something regarding whether it is correct or not, or something having the confusion about its accuracy and usefulness. The data can be collected any time but it should be made clear that how to collect data and how it will be processed. Without processing the data, meaningful information may not be maintained. The ambiguity may arise while people viewing different opinions and it will negatively affect the data collection. Forming a detailed and consistent operational definition helps eliminate such ambiguity. If data are collected by comprising errors on it or about a product line, for instnace, it may lead to selecting a defective product and probably rejecting a good one. Similarly, when some accounting transactions or other business invoices are inspected to see errors among them, the data collection may not be treated as meaningful unless the term error has not been made clear. Lewis (2010, p. 417) asserted that an operational definition is required in order to maintain almost same meaning and understanding of a problem mainly to get it solved. It is because, operational definition establishes a language that communicates same meaning to everyone involved in solving the issue. 2. Explain the hypothesis testing procedure, using an example. Developing and testing of hypothesis are critical steps in most researches. Hypothesis testing is a statistical procedure that helps a researcher use sample data to draw inferences about the population according to researchers interest. As far primary data collection is concerned, observing every individual in a population is practically impossible or difficult to be conducted and therefore most researchers depend on sample surveying and thus sample data are used to help answer specific research questions. Hypothesis testing has been defined as a process of deciding whether a null hypothesis is to be accepted or rejected in favor of an alternative hypothesis. In hypothesis testing, there wont be any errors in decision making if the null hypothesis is rejected when it is false and also if it is accepted when it is true. Sample data being collected is the base for taking decision regarding whether to reject or accept the null hypothesis. The statistical hypothesis is an assumption about an unknown population parameter and hypothesis starts from an assumption that is termed as hypothesis. A hypothesis cannot be accepted or rejected on the basis of intuitions or on the basis of general assumptions that researchers have while conducting the research. Process of Hypothesis Testing In hypothesis testing, the researcher first assumes that the hypothesis is true. The researcher then collects data to test the hypothesis. Based on the data being collected, the researcher will calculate the confidence interval and probability for the hypothesis to become true. In this calculation and assessment, in the probability of hypothesis to be true is smaller than the pre-set level, the hypothesis will be rejected (Vaughan, 2001, p. 59). Though hypothesis testing can be different from situation from situation, or from project to project, the general process involved in hypothesis testing remains almost same. Hypothesis test is thus a statistical method that uses simple data to evaluate a hypothesis for studying a population. Following are the logics and steps involved in hypothesis testing: The researcher first states a hypothesis about a population. In general research contexts, the hypothesis concern the population values in parameter. Before the researcher selects a sample, the hypothesis will be used to predict the characteristics and specifications that the sample must have. The sample also requires being similar to the population and the researcher should always expect certain amounts and levels of errors. Next, the researcher obtains a random sample from the population. Finally, the researcher makes a comparison and analysis between the sample data obtained and the data that were predicted for the hypothesis. If this comparison shows that the sample mean is consistent with prediction, it will be concluded that the hypothesis is reasonable. Similarly, if it shows that there is big discrepancy between the sample data and prediction, then the hypothesis will be reckoned to be wrong (Gravetter and Wallnau, 2008, p. 189). Example for hypothesis Testing For instance, a researcher wants to find out knowledge and expertise of a universitys students in terms of their familiarity with university library and the amount of time they spend in library. Various journalism programs have been arranged to make students more aware of the library use and other relevant matters that are important to them. Do this journalism programs affect the amount of time that students spend in library? This is the main issue to be found out with the research. A random sample survey has been conducted from around 40 students in the number of hours they spend in the library in a week. As previously thought, students were spending around 5 hours per week in the library, but it is required to test whether students spend more than that after the journalism programs. This hypothesis testing includes following steps: a) Formulating two competing hypothesis, namely null hypothesis and alternative hypothesis, b) Calculating the test statistics by using the latest sample data being collected. c) Determining the probability that the null hypothesis is true based on the test statistics d) Comparing the pre-set value or pre-determined value with probability value (Vaughan, 2001, p. 59- 62). Briefly explain the following (i.e., what it is; what its used for, etc.). Null hypothesis There are various types of tests in statistics. In research and hypothesis testing in particular, null hypothesis plays very significant role. Hypothesis is statements that researchers, or decision makers or analysts believe to be true. This statement will be verified by using statistical tests. Practically, hypothesis is employed in pairs. Out of the two hypotheses, the first one is normally stated in negative forms, for instance, stating as something is not true, or the variable is not related etc. this negative form is termed as null hypothesis and the other is alternative hypothesis. Null hypothesis is represented by the symbol H0 and alternative hypothesis H1 or H2 (Downing and Clark, 2010, p. 66) The tested statement in statistics is called the null hypothesis because it is often in the form like there is no relationship between a variable and b variable, or both x and y are not related etc. Before testing the measure, the researcher or statistician may draw only two probabilities, X = y and X ≠  y. When a statistician observes a result likely to be so, then that assumption is called alternative hypothesis, and the opposite assumption is called null hypothesis (Howell, 2007, p. 152). For instance, an investigation is required to know the average ability of students in a class (X standard) in the co-scholastic area. They assumed that it will be above 50. Then the x≠¥ 50 is an alternative hypothesis and x< 50 is null hypothesis. The test revealed that the average ability is 70, H0: m < 50 H1: m ≠¥50. 20 is therefore population standard deviation Replicability A research which has replicability is often considered to be more accurate. When a researcher adopts almost the same procedures with similar settings and systems of research and surveying used by another researcher and this helps him obtain similar findings, the research can be said to be replicable. To be replicable is also considered to be an important tenet of an effective scientific research as well (Holloway, 1997, p. 137). Langbein and Felbinger (2006, p. 33) noted, replicability of a research helps the researcher make empirical claims more defensible and clearly objective. If the research lacks replicability, the conclusion and claim would be considered to be personal opinion and causal observation. Replicability of a research thus makes conclusions more traceable. Qualitative research may not as replicable as quantitative mainly because the relationship between the researcher and the participant in the research seems to be unique and cannot be replicated. Moderator variable Normally, there are two main variables in a research; they are independent and dependent variables. But, some time, there can be a moderate variable, which is a special type of variable that the investigator has chosen to determine how the relationship between independent and dependent variables is affected (Brown, 1998, p. 11). In simple terms, moderate variable is a third variable that affects the relationship between independent and dependent variables. As moderator variable affects the relationship between the independent and dependent variables in a research, it takes form of or plays roles of expressions like specification, contingency, conditional and qualification etc. For example, Mr Joseph decides to study Chinese and the issue to be considered is his study of Chinese for one year and his expertise or proficiency in that language may vary for male and females. In this example, Josephs study of Chinese is independent variable, his proficiency in Chinese is dependent variable and there is one point to be debated, which is whether the proficiency will vary from male to females. Proficiency variation between male and female is arguably moderator variable. Cross-sectional study A cross sectional study is part of sampling or surveying involving observations of a sample of a population or phenomenon that are made at one point in a time. Both exploratory and descriptive research methodologies are often considered to be cross sectional study (Babbie, 2008, p. 111). In a cross sectional study, the researcher or the investigator would make all of his measurements and analysis on a single occasion or within relatively a short period of time. The researcher who makes cross sectional study draws from the population and searches variables distributions within the sample, often by designating and predicting the outcomes of variables based on information from other sources. Cross sectional study is very much suited to describing variables and their relative distributions patterns. This type of study never takes into account the temporal relationship between the factors that are already explored and this usually includes an evaluation of a cross section of a particular population in a given period of time (Rao and Richard, 2006, p. 205). 4. Compare and contrast each of the following, giving examples: Primary and Secondary Data Sources of data are basically two, either primary or secondary. Primary data comprise of those data that a researcher collects directly from a specific population through ways of sampling, survey or any other technique of data gathering. Primary data are raw data and are not already used or published in books, journals, newspaper or any other sources. When primary data are published through media and made available to the public, and later they are used by others for their purpose, the data becomes secondary and the source becomes secondary source of data. Primary sources of data are those where the researcher describes his or her own work and the process that has been employed to come to conclusion. Secondary sources are usually books, articles, journals, statistics published in them, and other publications that are written by people with only a passing or second hand knowledge of a specific subject (Guffey and Loewy, 2009, p. 259). Primary data includes information that are developed or gathered by the researcher specifically for a particular research at hand. Secondary data refers to those data that are previously been gathered by someone other than the researcher for some purpose other than the research project at hand. Primary data is raw-data where as secondary data are previously used by others and may not be very appropriate for the purpose of second users. A survey conducted by local government to know exact numbers of farmers and industrialist in its region gives primary data, but when this data is used by a newspaper for studying the same regions financial strength, it becomes secondary data. Field study versus Comparative study A field study in research methodology refers to a method of data gathering based on direct observation from the population. For instance, a business organization may conduct a field study about its customers, their preferences, their specific requirements and their responses etc. in conducting field study, the researcher or the investigator directly observes users or the population they target, most probably taking notes on certain activities that their targeted people do indulge with, copying their activities clearly, and noting down the answers they give for specific questions. Comparative study is typically a qualitative analysis tool that attempts to figure out a specific issue or find out answers to specific issues by comparing two known variables or already studied areas of a given topic. An unknown fact may be explored by comparing its dimensions with an already known fact. For example, 50 Biology students in a university who are very fond of reading of library books were found to have scored more than 65 percent of marks. The relation between scoring marks and reading library books in known. In analyzing what factors led many students score high marks in business studies, the reading and high soring in biology can be compared. Bibliography and References Most researches, mainly literature review part, depend on literatures of published book or journals. The researcher may give direct quoting or parenthesizing in between texts and the details of these sources are required, according to almost all referencing formats like APA, MLA, Harvard etc, to show in detail at the end of the research paper on a separate title called references. References thus refers to those sources that are mentioned in text in a research, may be with or without the year of publishing or page numbers, but with last name of the author. Any specific idea that a researcher depends from a previous study and uses to develop his research must give its details in references. References thus indicate sources of specific ideas he parenthesized or quoted from another work. But, bibliography refers to the lists of books or journals or any other type of literature work that a researcher has read and used for his work, but not directly quoted an idea from them or not parenthesized from those sources. Researchers normally read several books and journals and they list them in bibliography to give readers an insight to further reading. Criterion and Predictor Variable In research methodology, criterion or criterion variable is the variable that measures the construct of interest to the researcher. Criterion variable is an outcome variable that can be predicted from one or more predictor variables, and it is often the main concentration in the study as it is the outcome variable mentioned in the research problem (Hatcher, 2003, p. 30). The predictor variable, in contrast, is a variable that is used to predict values on the criterion and it has a causal effect on criterion (Hatcher, 2003, p. 30).

Saturday, January 18, 2020

Ethics and Law

This assignment focuses on Ethics and Law for Nursing and Social work which would be based on a Case Study. The case study which I have chosen is about Blood Transfusion. Nowadays Ethics and Law brings a huge impact on Nursing. The key of ethical principles underpins the health care policies and care practices. The meaning of ethics is something which the individuals performs everyday life. The other word for ethics would be ethical dilemma. Most of the time due to the intense nature of the work nurses may come across with variety of ethical dilemmas throughtout their courses and their professional careers. As a nurse the most important to carefully handle and maintain the ethical dilemmas. Ethical principles and theories is also included in this assignment. Ethical principles and theories are the foundations of the ethical analysis because they ate the viewpoints of the guidelines which can be obtained along the pathway to a decision. The ethical theories emphasise the different points of predicting the outcome and the following duties to the individuals in order to reach an ethically correct decision. however, ethical theories are useful because the theory is directed towards a common set of the goals. The ethical principles are the common goals which the theory tries to achieve in order to be success. These goals includeds Autonomy, Beneficence, non – malfiecence and justice. These 4 ethical principles has 4 different meaning which I will describe in details into my assignment. I will also mention the NMC Code of conduct which will inlclude respect, dignity, honesty, confidentiality, equity, and valuing diversity, all these would be explained in briefly into the assignment. The NMC Nursing and Midwifery Council Code of Conduct (2010) states that the individuals should be treated with respect and dignity. The health care rofessionals should recognise and maintain diversity, respect, cultural differences, values, dignity, confidentiality, and beliefs of the individuals they care for. This case study is about blood transfusion, The 70 years old man is refusing to have blood transfusion. The nurses and his relatives are also trying to convince him to have blood transfusion but he’s refusing to have blood transfusion. The reason this patient is refusing to have blood transfusion is because of his cultural differences and beliefs, the health care professionals should respect his cultural differences, beliefs and his own values towards this treatment. The NMC Code of Conduct (2010) states that the health care professionals should listen to the individuals and respond to their concerns and preferences. . In the case study it suggested that the nurse has tried to convince patient to have blood transfusion but he was refusing to have blood transfusion, so it’s very important that the health care professionals should promote choices to patients so that they are aware of their treatments whether they wants to have it or not they can decide. The NMC Code of Conduct (2010) states that people should respect individuals rights to confidentiality and also not to disclose any information to any third person if they are not entitled to it. The health care professionals shouldn’t pass any relevant information to anyone, without patient consents. The NMC Code of Conduct (2010) states that the health care professionals should ensure that they get patients consents before they begins to provide care for them, which means in the case study the nurse should get patient consent before she give blood transfusion so that the patient is aware of their treatment. The NMC Code of Conduct (2010) states that the health care professionals should be very honest and trustworthy when they are completing patients records and medical notes. The professional values are set of the moral principles and standards of the conduct, which supports the moral prestige of the professional groups in the society. The professional ethics are there to identify the moral standards and assessments, judgments and the concepts which characterise the individuals as representatives of a particular profession. The professional’s values develop norms, standards, requirements, typical to certain activities. The values are designed to educate people, and also help the individuals to behave properly with others, and communicate well at the workplace. The health care professionals should communicate with the patient with respect and dignity. Nurses shouldn’t force patient to have blood transfusion. The personal values which are ideals, beliefs, customs and characteristics which an individuals or particular group or society moderators valuable and worthwile. As a health care professionals they have to make innumerable decisions everyday how to care for patients and which sorts of care should they provide. Some of these decisions will have no moral substances. For example: the health care professionals have to decide that the patients should be bathed before breakfast has been cathegorised as a matter of experience effeciency and custom of order. (2004) thornes et al page : 46. Patient may have their own personal values to themselves, they might not prefer of having any pressure or force of having a treatment, they can decide or choose what is best for them. Ethical issues approach focuses on ethical issues that arise in practice. These are usually big moral dilemmas that be inclined to take over in the media,such as terminating life – sustaining treatment. The ethical concepts approach begins by looking at the development of the professional codes of conducts of ethics and then challenges the values that notifys practice and how significance conflicts are resolved. It also explores diverse ethical principles and concepts. (2004) thrones et al page 74 The equity of care means individuals patients or clients should be treated fairly accooding to their needs but that denies their differences and individuality. We living in multi cultural society and the codes requires nurses to promote and protect the interests and dignity of the patients and the clients, gender, age, race, ability, sexuality, economic status, lifestyle, culture, religious. (2005) chapman et al page no: 26 Autonomy it’s dominant to realise that the patients has personal autonomy and therefore they have rights to agree or disagree with the action or treatments, even refusal may result in harm or death of the individuals. In this case if a patient don’t want to have blood transfusion, the health care professionals shouldn’t force or pressure the individuals patients to have blood transfusion. This is their own choices and decisions not to have this particular treatment, so the health care professionals should not force them to have this treatment. It’s very important that the health care professionals ask consent to the patients before they begins with any treatments, so that the patients is aware of it. If a patients is egally incompetent to make an informed decision the health care professionals should try and find out about their wishes which they previously expressed in the statement for example: the living will. So if the patient was legally competent than the health care professionals should respect their choices and decisions. (2005) chapman et al page 48 Benefience and non – maleficence this imposes a duty to do good and avoid or minimise the harm of the patients. I t require the the health care professionals helps the patients and clients by promoting and safe guarding their welfare. Nurses duty is to treat individuals with respect when it involves their cultural and linguistic backgrounds, their treatments, the health care professionals should pay more attentions to their verbal and non – verbal communications when they communicate with the individuals patients. Recurrently in the line of the duties of care of the nurses come with the ethical dilemmas and the moral dilemmas which requires the health care professionals to exhibit the benefiences and non – malfiecence in agreement with the appropriate treatment for the patients. Patients has all rights to decide and choose their treatment in this case patient too incapacitate to make their needs or wishes known the nurses must lean heavily to the side of benefience. Justice which requires the equal treatment of the equal cases. It is concerned with the allcation of health resources and means that there should be no discrimination on the basis of gender, age, race, relligion. Patient shouldn’t be discriminated against their cultural differences or beliefs. The age discrimation act suggets that individuals shouldn’t be discriminated againt their age. In this essay I have discussed the case study of a patient who has been admitted to the casulty department after had a road traffic. He has sustained some severe injuries he needs blood transfusion. He refused to consent to this treatment due to his religious and beliefs purpose, although he understands that his life is at risk. He was unconscious few times. His relatives is agreed with the treatment which he will receive from the hospital but he still refused to have blood transfusion. The nurses tried to convince him for taking the treatment but his still refusing. The nurses have to respect the patient dignity and choices. This case study

Friday, January 10, 2020

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Wednesday, January 1, 2020

Teenage Pregnancy And Teen Pregnancy - 2488 Words

According to the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) the 2011 birth rate for teens was 31.3 births per 1000 women aged 15–19, a record low for the United States. However, there are many ways to reduce the amount of teenage pregnancies (Trudeau). The United States has a problem of teenage pregnancy occurring with the most occurring in the capital Washington D.C. where there are a diverse group of teenagers (Dawani). This shows that our nation has a problem of teenage pregnancy, but the most is in a well civilized area in our nation. Studies have shown that The highest rate of teenage pregnancy in a developed country occurs in the United States with the rate of teenagers being twice as likely to give birth compared to teens in Canada and ten times as likely as teens in Switzerland showing that a diverse population has an effect on social behaviors (Dawani). Our nation needs to find ways to decrease the alarming statistic. Studies have shown there has been a decrease in teenage p regnancies.A recent article has shown the teen pregnancy rate is down nearly 40 percent and the teen birth rate has been cut by one-third since the early 1990s, but the problem is still occurring today (Dawani). Teenage pregnancy in the United States is a problem with many causes such as lack of education from parents and the education system, media influences, and the cost of contraception used and many solutions to stop the epidemic. One cause of teenage pregnancy is lack of education fromShow MoreRelatedTeenage Pregnancy And Teen Pregnancy1664 Words   |  7 PagesTerrazas English 4 Miss Stahlecker 4 November 2015 Teenage Pregnancy According to, in 2013, a total of 273,105 babies were born to women that were in between the ages of 15-19 years old. Teenage pregnancy is a major concern in today’s society. This paper will talk about teenage pregnancy, statistics, ways to prevent teenage pregnancy, and after birth options. So why is teenage pregnancy so important? Some people are concerned about teens getting pregnant at such an early age. There areRead MoreTeenage Pregnancy And Teen Pregnancy1546 Words   |  7 PagesTeenage pregnancy is pregnancy in human females under the age of 20 at the time that the pregnancy ends. Low-income communities have the highest teenage pregnancy rates in the United States. Because of the fact that this is a very controversial issue in the United States, it is very important that most questions be addressed. Questions like, why is a teenage girl in Mississippi four times as likely to give birth as a teenage girl in New Hampshire? Or why is the teen birth rate in Massachusetts 19Read MoreTeen Pregnancy : Teenage Pregnancy1404 Words   |  6 PagesLauryn Jones Block 5 4/27/16 What is Teen Pregnancy? Teenage pregnancy is pregnancy in human females under the age of 20. A girl can become pregnant from sexual intercourse after she has begun to ovulate which can be before her first menstrual period, but usually occurs after the onset of her periods. In well-nourished girls, menarche usually takes place around the age of 12 or 13. Most teenage girls don t plan to get pregnant, but many do. Teen pregnancies carry extra health risks to both the motherRead MoreTeenage Pregnancy And Teen Pregnancy1743 Words   |  7 Pagesnegative media teenage mothers struggle to find the positive sides to motherhood. Teenage pregnancy can be dificult and life changing, but unlike the renowned negative beliefs all over the world, there are positive sides to teenage pregnancy. Most research that is done on teen pregnancy is based on the hardships and struggles on teen mothers, making it easy to forget the good that can come from teen pregnancy. A teenage mother can create a good l ife for herself and her children. Teenage mothers areRead MoreTeenage Pregnancy And Teen Pregnancy905 Words   |  4 Pagesâ€Å"16 and Pregnant†/ â€Å"Teen Mom† Promote or Discourage Teenage Pregnancy? (Agree/Promote) When it comes to the topic of do TV shows like â€Å"16 and Pregnant† and â€Å"Teen Mom† promote or discourage teenage pregnancy, most of us will readily agree that it in fact does promote teenage pregnancy. Where this agreement usually ends, however, is on the question of how does this promote teenage pregnancy. Whereas some are convinced that it promotes teenage pregnancy through the fame some of the young couples haveRead MoreTeenage Pregnancy And Teen Pregnancy871 Words   |  4 Pagesof do TV shows like â€Å"16 and Pregnant† and â€Å"Teen Mom† promote or discourage teenage pregnancy, most of us will readily agree that it in fact does promote teenage pregnancy. Where this agreement usually ends, however, is on the question of how does this promote teenage pregnancy. Whereas some are convinced that it promotes teenage pregnancy through the fame some of the young couples have achieved, others maintain that it in fact discourages teenage pregnancy by showing the struggles and realities ofRead MoreTeenage Pregnancy And Teen Pregnancy1057 Words   |  5 PagesTeenage pregnancy is a common thing here in America. It seems teens are getting pregnant more than the average married couple. There are some risk factors teen moms face and there is also another great turn outs. There is a major difference between the two. It’s important to tell teens the turnouts of teen pregnancy for the good and bad parts. There are risks of having sex, teen moms can make a difference for her and the baby, the risk of having HIV and/or any other STD’s, and the effects on theRead MoreTeenage Pregnancy And Teen Pregnancy1341 Words   |  6 PagesTeenage pregnancy is a prominent dilemma in our nation because it continues to place adolescents into delinquency. According to the United States Health and Human Services, three out of ten American teen girls will become pregnant at least once before they reach the age of twenty. That is nearly 750 ,000 teen pregnancies in a year (1) (HHS Pg.2 2014). Also according to U.S. Department of State, teen pregnancy budgets the United States and tax payers approximately seven billion dollars annually (2)Read MoreTeenage Pregnancy And Teen Pregnancy2089 Words   |  9 Pagessurprise me since this is something common here in the Imperial Valley; we have such a high rate of teen pregnancy. What really caught my attention was that she was not alone; she had in her cart a toddler that kept referring her to mom. All I could think of was that such a young girl should not be concerned with raising a child, especially not two. Most young girls should be spending their teen years hanging out with their friends, going to parties, and enjoying school, but getting pregnant soRead MoreTeen Pregnancy And Teenage Pregnancy1456 Words   |  6 Pagesteenagers (Kristof). Clearly, teen pregnancy is a concern among many people in the U.S. One way to help the teen pregnancy statistics would be birth c ontrol. Teenagers should have more access to birth control, particularly LARCs (long-acting reversible contraceptives), and be more informed about it. There are many reasons why this should be. For starters, it would help the child and the mother. It could also help the U.S. not be so high on the list of number of teen pregnancies in the world. Over time